Over the past 20 years, we have earned a good reputation not only for the standards of our properties but also for our professional approach. Our aim is to secure good, long-term tenants in well-maintained homes, whilst minimising risk to our landlords.
We treat our landlords and our tenants with courtesy and professionalism. Successful tenancies are where both parties are happy, and we believe it is worth taking time and care to find the RIGHT tenant (who may not be the quickest tenant).
Our professional services are based around the following key principles:
• We will not charge you fees when the property is empty.
• There are no hidden extras in our fees – we will tell you from the outset what we will charge and we will stick to it.
• We will refund your fee for any month in which you can show us that you did not receive our normal standard of service.
• If your property is under our Agent Plus service, we will not charge you for renewing a tenancy.
• We guarantee not to receive paybacks from contractors (any commission on rent insurance or tenant utility switches will be declared to you).
As a fully independent company, we are under no pressure on targets or commission.
We have freedom of choice over our suppliers and are able to be flexible.
Our referencing information is not passed on to any third parties. Our up-to-date administration systems are backed up remotely every evening.
Of our 9 staff, seven have been private tenants and four have been or are private landlords. Our staff are mature and professional. Our letting staff has over 40 years experience in contracts, property management and residential lettings.
Our inventories are carried out using the latest tablet technology and contain date stamped photographs – this is essential to have in the unlikely event of a deposit dispute at the end of a tenancy and helps you to protect your property and its contents.

Under our Agent Plus management service we will inspect every room in your property every 3-4 months.
Under our Agent Standard service we will visit twice a year.
We can arrange repairs, gas safety certificates and other routine maintenance – we have an established team of trustworthy and reliable local contractors but will use your own contractors if you prefer.
Please see the detailed documentation in our office.
Download our Landlord fees information. (Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
We are members of ARLA, and are governed by their conduct and membership rules. Click here to view these.