Tenants’ Information

Discover everything you need to know about being a valued tenant at Eaton-Terry Clark – from lease agreements to maintenance requests, we’ve got you covered. We provide everything you need for a seamless and enjoyable leasing experience.

The simplest ways to get onto our lists is to telephone the office (01395 269955), send an e-mail to info@etcpm.com or call into the office to leave your details.

As we have a very high number of people on our lists, you are more likely to be successful if you keep an eye on our website and in our office windows, and update us regularly on your requirements.

When you have seen a property you wish to rent, we will ask you to provide us with the following for EVERYONE who will live in the property and is over the age of 18.

  • Proof of identity – something with your name and photo on, such as a passport, driving license or work security pass.
  • A completed reference form which we will forward to our referencing agency. They will contact you to gain the necessary information.

If your circumstances are unusual, please let us know at an early stage and we will try to assist.

You may need someone else to act as guarantor on your tenancy. It is very important that this person understands that they will have to sign the tenancy agreement and become jointly responsible for paying the rent and looking after the property – they will also have to provide us with referees.

We do not charge tenant fees on Assured Shorthold tenancies. If your tenancy is of a different type then a fee may apply. When you agree to take a property you will need to pay a holding deposit which will be equivalent to one week’s rent.  Once we have received this payments, we will not show the property to anyone else, and you have up to 15 days to sign the contract. You may lose this holding deposit if you change your mind or if you have provided false or misleading information in your reference form.

Your deposit will be sent to the DPS (Deposit Protection Service) and you will be given the scheme booklet and the necessary prescribed information written in the Tenancy Agreement. The deposit will be returned once your tenancy has ended ONLY after you and the landlord have agreed whether any deduction is justified.

If your property is managed, we will do your check-out. If your landlord manages your property, they will do the checkout. If there is a dispute we can assist both parties to reach agreement. If this is not possible then you have the right to appeal for adjudication by the DPS team of lawyers.

Usually it takes a minimum of two weeks to process the rents, check the property, conduct the inventory and draw up the agreement. We will not allow you to have the keys to the property until the reference check is complete, you have signed the tenancy agreement and paid the balance deposit and first month’s rent.

This money needs to have cleared into our account, so you need to pay it at least 4 days before you move in or bring a banker’s draft or pay by debit card on the day you collect the keys.

If the Landlord pulls out, through no fault on your part, you will receive your holding deposit back.

If you pull out of the agreement after paying the holding deposit, or your reference form has contained false or misleading information, we reserve the right to keep the holding deposit.

Some properties are managed by us, as agent for the landlord. This means that you pay rent to us and contact us if you have any queries or problems. We will visit you in your home every 3-6 months to check everything is OK with the property and to help with any queries you may have regarding your tenancy.

Other properties are managed directly by the landlord (an arrangement only tenancy). In these cases you will be asked to pay rent directly to your Landlord and will have their contact details in the case of query or problem.

If you are in a property managed by the Landlord, and have any serious problems or dispute, or cannot contact your Landlord, you may contact us in the office and we provide advice and try to help.

This is very important document and is legally binding on you and your landlord. We use an agreement which is straightforward and you will have time to read it through before signing– if there is anything you don’t understand, or you have trouble with your sight or with written English please let us know and we will happily read the agreement with you.

In summary the agreement will allow you to live in the property for the fixed term (usually six or twelve months) and if you look after the property and pay the rent on time nobody can make you leave during this period.

You agree to look after the property and leave it in the same condition as you found it (we make an allowance for reasonable wear and tear).

Only the adults and children named on the tenancy agreement can live in the property – you cannot sub let the property or any part of it or pass on the tenancy agreement to anybody else.

The landlord or agent is not allowed to come into the property without giving you at least 24 hours notice – UNLESS there is a serious risk to life or the structure of the property (this is rare – for example a gas leak, water leak, excessive storm damage or if we believe that someone is lying injured or dead in the property).

Obviously each agreement will vary slightly to reflect the details of the property – for example it may state where you can park, or whether you can have pets, or install a Sky dish etc. We will draw your attention to specific clauses in the agreement and you will sign to say you have read and understood them.

We may charge you for the following:

1. Loss of keys or other security devices – these will be charged at cost plus a possible £15 per hour including VAT for our time for call-outs.

2. If you request a change in your agreement  such a change of sharer or wanting a pet £50 including VAT.

3. Unpaid rent – interest will be charged at 3% above the Bank of England base rate for sums outstanding. This fee will be levied after 14 days has elapsed.

4. Early termination of an agreement – this will usually be the landlord’s costs for re-letting plus outstanding rent until a new tenant moves in.
